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“The (broad-sense) genetic correlations among four measures of inattention and hyperactivity in 12 year Olds”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 50, pp. 273–288, 2020.
, “Comparing the genetic architecture of childhood behavioral problems across socioeconomic strata in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom”, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 29, pp. 353–362, 2020.
, “Comparing the genetic architecture of childhood behavioral problems across socioeconomic strata in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom”, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 29, pp. 353–362, 2020.
, “An extended twin-pedigree study of different classes of voluntary exercise behavior”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 50, pp. 94–104, 2020.
, “The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex”, Science, vol. 367, p. eaay6690, 2020.
, “Genetics and not shared environment explains familial resemblance in adult metabolomics data”, Human Genetics, vol. 23, pp. 145–155, 2020.
, “Genetics and not shared environment explains familial resemblance in adult metabolomics data”, Human Genetics, vol. 23, pp. 145–155, 2020.
, “Harmonizing behavioral outcomes across studies, raters, and countries: application to the genetic analysis of aggression in the ACTION Consortium”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 61, pp. 807–817, 2020.
, “Harmonizing behavioral outcomes across studies, raters, and countries: application to the genetic analysis of aggression in the ACTION Consortium”, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol. 61, pp. 807–817, 2020.
, “Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, p. 39, 2020.
, “Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, p. 39, 2020.
, “Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, p. 39, 2020.
, “Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, p. 39, 2020.
, “Identification, heritability, and relation with gene expression of novel DNA methylation loci for blood pressure”, Hypertension, vol. 76, pp. 195–205, 2020.
, “Measurement and genetic architecture of lifetime depression in the Netherlands as assessed by LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report)”, Psychological Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 1–10, 2020.
, “Measurement and genetic architecture of lifetime depression in the Netherlands as assessed by LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report)”, Psychological Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 1–10, 2020.
, “Measurement and genetic architecture of lifetime depression in the Netherlands as assessed by LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report)”, Psychological Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 1–10, 2020.
, “Measurement and genetic architecture of lifetime depression in the Netherlands as assessed by LIDAS (Lifetime Depression Assessment Self-report)”, Psychological Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 1–10, 2020.
, “Out of control: Examining the association between family conflict and self-control in adolescence in a genetically sensitive design”, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent , vol. 59, pp. 254–262, 2020.
, “Out of control: Examining the association between family conflict and self-control in adolescence in a genetically sensitive design”, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent , vol. 59, pp. 254–262, 2020.