Conferences and Workshops

The ACTION final meeting on aggression studies has taken place in Sardinia, Italy in 2019 (May 6-8...
During the 48th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association which will take place in Boston...
The “13th International Workshop on Neonatology – The power of Epigenetics. Twins: identical but...
A short summary of the other ACTION talks and presentations given by the project's staff during...
The Early Career Scientists Workshop on Aggression was a joint event organised by three european...
The “12th International Workshop on Neonatology – 10 P Pediatrics: notes for the future”, took...
During the 46th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association which took place in Brisbane,...
Anne Hendriks presented a poster about the ACTION research at the International Workshop on...
A short summary of the other ACTION talks and presentations given by the project's staff during...
Fiona Hagenbeek presented a poster about the ACTION research at the VU University Medical Center...
