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“Disentangling Heterogeneity of Childhood Disruptive Behavior Problems Into Dimensions and Subgroups”, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Journal, vol. 56, pp. 678–686, 2017.
, “Childhood aggression and the co-occurrence of behavioural and emotional problems: results across ages 3–16 years from multiple raters in six cohorts in the EU-ACTION project”, European Child {&} Adolescent Psychiatry, 2018.
, “Genetic meta-analysis of twin birth weight shows high genetic correlation with singleton birth weight”, Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 30, pp. 1894–1905, 2021.
, “Developmental co-occurrence of psychopathology dimensions in childhood”, JCPP Advances, vol. 2, p. e12100, 2022.