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M. Bartels, Hendriks, A., Mauri, M., Krapohl, E., Whipp, A., Bolhuis, K., Conde, L. Colodro, Luningham, J., Ip, H. Fung, Hagenbeek, F., Roetman, P., Gatej, R., Lamers, A., Nivard, M. G., van Dongen, J., Lu, Y., Middeldorp, C., van Beijsterveldt, T., Vermeiren, R., Hankemeier, T., Kluft, C., Medland, S., Lundström, S., Rose, R. J., Pulkkinen, L., Vuoksimaa, E., Korhonen, T., Martin, N. G., Lubke, G., Finkenauer, C., Fanos, V., Tiemeier, H., Lichtenstein, P., Plomin, R., Kaprio, J., and Boomsma, D. I., Childhood aggression and the co-occurrence of behavioural and emotional problems: results across ages 3–16 years from multiple raters in six cohorts in the EU-ACTION project, European Child {&} Adolescent Psychiatry, 2018.
E. M. Koopman-Verhoeff, Bolhuis, K., Cecil, C. A. M., Kocevska, D., Hudziak, J. J., Hillegers, M. H. J., Mileva-Seitz, V. R., Reiss, I. K., Duijts, L., Verhulst, F., Luijk, M. P. C. M., and Tiemeier, H., During day and night: Childhood psychotic experiences and objective and subjective sleep problems, Schizophrenia Research, 2018.
K. Bolhuis, Kushner, S. A., Yalniz, S., Hillegers, M. H. J., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Tiemeier, H., and Marroun, H. El, Maternal and paternal cannabis use during pregnancy and the risk of psychotic-like experiences in the offspring, Schizophrenia Research, vol. 202, pp. 322 - 327, 2018.
H. El Marroun, Bolhuis, K., Franken, I. H. A., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Hillegers, M. H. J., Lahey, B. B., and Tiemeier, H., Preconception and prenatal cannabis use and the risk of behavioural and emotional problems in the offspring; a multi-informant prospective longitudinal study, International Journal of Epidemiology, p. dyy186, 2018.
K. Bolhuis, Koopman-Verhoeff, M. E., Blanken, L. M. E., Cibrev, D., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Verhulst, F., Hillegers, M. H. J., Kushner, S. A., and Tiemeier, H., Psychotic-like experiences in pre-adolescence: what precedes the antecedent symptoms of severe mental illness?, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, vol. 138, pp. 15-25, 2018.
K. Bolhuis, Muetzel, R. L., Stringaris, A., Hudziak, J. J., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Hillegers, M. H. J., White, T., Kushner, S. A., and Tiemeier, H., Structural Brain Connectivity in Childhood Disruptive Behavior Problems: A Multidimensional Approach, Biological PsychiatryBiological Psychiatry, 2018.