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“Characterizing the Relation Between Expression QTLs and Complex Traits: Exploring the Role of Tissue Specificity”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 48, pp. 374–385, 2018.
, “Biological insights into multiple birth: genetic findings from UK Biobank”, European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 27, pp. 970–979, 2019.
, “Heritability estimates for 361 blood metabolites across 40 genome-wide association studies”, Nature Communications, vol. 11, p. 39, 2020.
, “1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans”, Translational Psychiatry, vol. 11, p. 182, 2021.
, “Investigating the genetic architecture of noncognitive skills using GWAS-by-subtraction”, Nature Genetics, vol. 53, pp. 35–44, 2021.