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“DNA methylation signatures of breastfeeding in buccal cells collected in mid-childhood”, Nutrients, vol. 11, p. 2804, 2019.
, “Genomics of human aggression: current state of genome-wide studies and an automated systematic review tool”, Psychiatric Genetics, vol. 29, pp. 170–190, 2019.
, “Genetically informed regression analysis: Application to aggression prediction by inattention and hyperactivity in children and adults”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 51, pp. 250–263, 2021.
, “Identical twins carry a persistent epigenetic signature of early genome programming”, Nature Communications, vol. 12, p. 5618, 2021.
, “Predicting complex traits and exposures from polygenic scores and blood and buccal DNA methylation profiles”, Frontiers in Psychiatry, vol. 12, p. 688464, 2021.
, “DNA methylation in peripheral tissues and left-handedness”, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. 5606, 2022.
, “Genetics and epigenetics of human aggression”, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Brain and Crime, vol. 197, pp. 13–44, 2023.