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Filters: Author is Boomsma, Dorret I and Keyword is heritability [Clear All Filters]
“Methylation as an epigenetic source of random genetic effects in the classical twin design”, Advances in Genomics and Genetics, Dove Medical Press, vol. 5, pp. 305–315, 2015.
, “Genetic and environmental influences on different forms of bullying perpetration, bullying victimization, and their co-occurrence”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 49, pp. 432–443, 2019.
, “Genetics and not shared environment explains familial resemblance in adult metabolomics data”, Human Genetics, vol. 23, pp. 145–155, 2020.
, “Chapter 13 - Combining twin-family designs with measured genetic variants to study the causes of epigenetic variation”, in Twin and Family Studies of Epigenetics, vol. 27, Academic Press, 2021, pp. 239-259.
, “The heritability of Type D personality by an extended twin-pedigree analysis in the Netherlands Twin Register”, Behavior Genetics, vol. 51, pp. 1–11, 2021.
, “Heritability of urinary amines, organic acids, and steroid hormones in children”, Metabolites, vol. 12, p. 474, 2022.
, “Multivariate genetic structure of externalizing behavior and structural brain development in a longitudinal adolescent twin sample”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 23, p. 3176, 2022.
, “Genetics and epigenetics of human aggression”, Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Brain and Crime, vol. 197, pp. 13–44, 2023.