DisseminACTION: disseminating science in the information age (www.action-euproject.eu: a website for researchers and parents)

TitleDisseminACTION: disseminating science in the information age (www.action-euproject.eu: a website for researchers and parents)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMauri, M
JournalJournal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine (JPNIM)
Date Published10/2015
Type of ArticleProceedings of the 11° International Workshop on Neonatology and Satellite Meetings, Cagliari (Italy), October 26-31
Keywordscomputer security, misinformation, privacy, scientific dissemination, usability, Website

www.action-euproject.eu is a website designed at the University of Cagliari, by the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, within the project “ACTION - Aggression in Children: unravelling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies”, a collaborative project which includes twelve international partners, funded under the 7th Framework Programme for Research, technological Development and Demonstration.

Its aim is to properly disseminate official news, events, medical discoveries carried out within the project, with an intent to connect European researchers and citizens with the official source of ACTION’s scientific research.

One of the main problems of the so called Web 2.0., is represented by the growth of viral misinformation, which contributes to create rumours and hoaxes around scientific threads. In order to avoid this kind of problems, www.action-euproject.eu is also designed to directly reach its audience even with social networks integration and with newsletters.

Informatics is the discipline that studies the information processing through automated elaborations. The term appears for the first time in 1957, and since that time Computer Science has grown, reaching an unthinkable evolution, so that the common devices we use in our everyday lives (personal computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones) are more powerful than the NASA calculators at the time of moon’s landing. This evolution leads to privacy and security matters: our devices process everyday an important number of sensitive data, and are everyday exposed to the risks of computer security.

This website has been designed following usability guidelines, with a logical sitemap, an easy system of options, a clear graphic style, a responsive graphic template and a robust Content Management System, in order to ensure the website security and a rigid privacy policy.

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