Fourth plenary ACTION Meeting and related Workshop for Junior researchers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 30-31, 2017


The fourth consortium meeting took place in the Agora Room 3, Vu University Amsterdam, October 30-31, 2017.

This meeting was associated to a workshop dedicated to junior researchers which has been held on October 30.

Agenda and talks of the workshop: 


09.30 – 09.45 Welcome & Introduction to ACTION, Dorret Boomsma (VU)

Comorbidity and social topics
09.45 – 10.00 Early adolescent aggression predicts antisocial personality disorder in young adults: a population-based study, Alyce Whipp (Helsinki University)
10.00 – 10.15 Examining the relationship between alcohol use and aggression, Sarah Medland (QIMR)
10.15 – 10.30 Testing the bi-directional association between childhood aggressive behavior and overweight, Koen Bolhuis (Erasmus University)
10.30 – 10.45 Childhood aggression and adulthood adversities: General and specific associations, Sebastian Lundstrom (Gothenburg University)
10.45 – 11.00 About diversity in practice and needs among clinicians, Robert Vermeiren (LUMC)
11.00 – 11.15 Factors associated with individual differences in aggression and treatment effectiveness, Anne Hendriks (VU)
11.45 – 12.30 Keynote lecture, Metabolomics as a tool in biomarker studies of Aggression, Thomas Hankemeier (Leiden University)


13.30 – 14.15 Keynote lecture, Sex differences in Aggression, Christine Freitag (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Biomarkers and (epi)genetics topics
14.15– 14.30 Early predictors of aggression, Margherita Malanchini (King’s College)
14.30– 14.45 Treating aggression: the interplay of clinical and neurobiological factors, Mirko Manchia (University of Cagliari)
14.45– 15.00 Genetic correlation between multi-scale parental ratings of aggressive behavior in 9 year-old children: a twin study, Hill Ip (VU)
15.00– 15.15 Integrative Data Analysis to obtain a harmonized phenotype, Gitta Lubke (University of Notre Dame)
15.15 – 15.30 GWAS and Genetics of Aggression and ADHD symptoms, Michel Nivard (VU)
15.30 – 15.45 Genome-wide analysis of buccal DNA methylation with the MethylationEPIC BeadChip in monozygotic twins concordant or discordant for aggression, Jenny van Dongen (VU)
16.15 – 17.00 Keynote lecture, The World’s First Psychological Polygenic Profile, Robert Plomin (King’s College)

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